Granite Floor Restoration

•Repair       •Restore       •Clean       •Hone       •Polish

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Nordness (31)

(205) 617-6330

Granite Floor Care And Restoration

Granite is stylish, subdued, durable, and long lasting.  But granite is not indestructible.  Traffic lane wear will happen over time and the use of solvents or butyl products can dull the gloss as well.  People tend to relax around granite because they were sold a bullet proof floor.  It is very durable and that is why you see it used so much in commercial settings.  Granite can handle things that calcite based stones just cant handle. But granite is porous and can stain just like marble, it abrades just like softer stones just not as quickly.  Even granite will dull over time, it just takes a lot longer than other stones.

"I have tried everything but my granite floor still looks dull!"

First, let me tell you that just because a product you get from the big box store says "Safe for natural stone" on it doesn't mean it really is.  There are acrylic sealers marketed as safe for natural stone, I suppose because they do no immediate damage like an acid will on a calcite based stone.  They do however prevent the stone from 'breathing' and that is more damaging in the long run than an acid etch from your hand soap. And much more expensive to repair.  You can not always trust the fabricators either.  I have clients that were told by the installer or sales rep to use a weak window cleaner solution to mop their newly installed granite.  A lot of people know that an acid will etch marble but don't know that solvents and butyls will dull granite just like dirt will abrade it..

Third,  the surface of the granite may be etched mechanically and/or chemically and need to be polished smooth to get back the gloss.


"What Needs To Happen Now?"

First we need to take a look at the granite and determine which direction we need to go. It could be that we need to professionally clean the granite, or it could be that we need to diamond polish the granite.

If you just need a solid professional cleaning and sealing and that is it then we bring in our cleaning equipment and make it happen.  If cleaning just wont do the trick then we will need to polish the granite in order to bring it back to life.

After determining that the granite does indeed need to be polished, we will hone the stone with diamond pads to remove the abraded surface and get to smooth, healthy stone.  We then proceed to refine the surface to the gloss you are wanting to see.


"After you are finished cleaning or polishing my floor how do I keep it clean?"

We will leave you with a couple web sites that we trust so you can get the proper cleaning products for your floor.  We will also set you up on a customized maintenance program that fits your needs.

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